Sunday, December 11, 2011

To Strengthen your Spiritual Muscles

This was a lesson plan that a colleague shared with me and I think it begins to push yourself and/or your students in tefilla.

Some Jews pray three times a day and say blessings before and after they eat or drink, utilizing different Psalms to communicate with God. If this seems like a spiritual marathon and you are not ready for the run, here is a way to prepare yourself for the beauty of prayer.

Find a quiet place outside, like a garden, hill top or your backyard, where you can enjoy God’s presence. Spend 15 minutes just talking to God in your words and practice the fundamentals.  Praise God for being all powerful, the caretaker of humanity and giving you all that you have. Ask Hashem for something you need. Then thank God for listening to your prayer. 

This is the foundation of tefilla. If you can do this exercise you will strengthen your spiritual muscles, and better prepare yourself for Jewish prayer and enhance it once you begin to take more steps.

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